Five Hot Tips on Becoming a Freelance Writer

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Finding freelance writing jobs online is more than a challenge. There are many steps you need to take to ensure you apply for a prestigious freelance job and get paid for completing tasks.

As a freelance writer, getting paid is your primary concern. Since you don’t get paid until you finish writing assignments, chances are an unknown client will get your work done and never pay you.

I’m a part-time freelance writer myself, and while I can personally attest that I’ve never had a payment problem, I’ve heard horror stories about other writers not getting paid for their work. Maybe the customer ordered a job and changed his mind after the job was done. Maybe they don’t get half up front and half after the job is done.

This is why you should always work for established clients when writing freelance. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when looking for freelance writing jobs:

1. Never pay to apply: No reputable company will charge you to apply. They should be the ones paying you, not the other way around. If they make you pay, they don’t have enough writing jobs to live on, let alone you.

2. Write for a place where there are thousands of writers: Chances are thousands of writers will not tolerate abuse. If a company doesn’t pay, writers will stop en masse and file a complaint.

3. Don’t give up your job for free: Sure there are exceptions, but if you want to freelancing as a career, you have to get paid. Customers asking for a few free items are not worth your time. Give one or two writing samples to demonstrate your writing skills, but no more.

4. Linking responsibly: Depending on the clients you work for, you may or may not include links to your own website, blog, or affiliate program. Other sites require you to include a reputable source in your writing. In that case, use a website with the extension .gov or .edu. These are usually very well-researched and authoritative sites with no ulterior motives to get readers to buy products or hand over credit card information.

5. Start with a Simple Website: Places like Associated Content and Bukisa are open to the public, and they’re pretty expensive to get started! Related content pays upfront and pays per view while Bukisa pays per view. Both allow writers to earn hundreds or $1000+ per month!

So where do you start? Well, you can always start applying to places like oDesk, eLance and other online freelance agencies. But getting a job here as a junior contractor is tedious, almost impossible. Unless you have a polished resume, you may not be able to find a full-time or even part-time job.


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